What Katie Wore

taken on bad thursday
May 28, 2009, 5:03 pm
Filed under: What Katie Wore | Tags: , , , ,

what katie wore for black thursday

Wow – Katie looks brilliant today. Not such a great day for some of those lovely people working in digital marketing though, many of whom got made redundant today. They are in our prayers (and emails, Facebook messages, texts, tweets and Bluetooths). Katie is wearing a silk belt from a Firetrap top as a bow around her neck,  Onagono harem pants, Lilith skirt (worn as a dress), Dolcis shoes and a Georg Jensen watch.

taken after the first barbecue of the year
May 10, 2009, 4:32 pm
Filed under: What Katie Wore | Tags: , ,

what katie wore for the first barbecue of the year

We had a wander around Brick Lane this morning (and had some impromptu photos taken for some Japanese style blog thing). Then, after quite a bit of trying, we were able to fire up the barbecue and cook up some excellent kebabs and lamb chops. OM NOM NOM NOM. Katie’s just shot off to meet her friend in Kings X and I might go and have a beer. Everything is pointing toward an exellent summer. Katie’s wearing two tops from Whistles, Georgina Goodman shoes, Onagono harem pants and some yellow beads some bumbleclot sold me on the beach in Antigua.

taken on the first day of spring
March 20, 2009, 11:01 am
Filed under: What Katie Wore | Tags: , , ,


Lovely day outside. Katie looks very pretty. Work is going incredibly well. And off to the pub for a nice Friday lunch. Brilliant. Today Katie is wearing Gucci shoes (you can’t really see how high they are though!), Onagono harem pants, a heart necklace from Year Zero and a Nicole Farhi top.

taken when katie was poorly (again)
March 13, 2009, 9:50 pm
Filed under: What Katie Wore | Tags: ,


Poor Katie hasn’t been well today. I’ve kept my distance as it’s the horrible sickness bug that’s going around. Still, even in this grainy photo you can see she’s put a brave, brightly coloured face on it. Today Katie’s wearing organic cotton harem pants by Onagono, my pink Topman cardigan, a bow that Josephine made for her and some grannie charity shop shoes.