What Katie Wore

taken on a treetrunk
March 19, 2009, 9:57 am
Filed under: What Katie Wore | Tags: , ,


It’s great – no more 7am starts for me, so once again Katie and I are leaving the house together in the AM. Here Katie is standing on a treetrunk being careful not to waken the hobo sleeping nearby. She’s wearing a Pringle silk blouse, Falke tights, and Bronx shoes.

taken after Euan’s birthday
March 7, 2009, 10:50 pm
Filed under: What Katie Wore | Tags: , , ,


It was Katie’s brother’s birthday yesterday and we all got taken out for dinner tonight at The Goring to celebrate by Katie’s mum and dad. It was absolutely delicious (and the wine was, as ever, amazing). Happy birthday Euan! This evening Katie is wearing a vintage Frank Usher black lace dress, shoes from Bronx and, as ever, American Apparel tights.

taken on the first sunny day in ages
March 2, 2009, 9:21 am
Filed under: What Katie Wore | Tags: ,


I think it must almost be time for Katie to break out her summer wardrobe! Today she is wearing Bronx shoes, a coat from the vintage bit downstairs at Topshop and an orange leather bag that we got from the airport in Columbo.

Taken in a stairwell somewhere in Shoreditch
January 30, 2009, 1:02 pm
Filed under: What Katie Wore | Tags: , , ,


This is one of my favourites! I think Katie always dresses best when she’s hungover. The shoes are Bronx, the dress is Lipsy, Katie made the wee pompom ring herself and I gave her the Tatty Devine broach. Great. Oh, and the watch is Katie’s Cartier Tank but I think I’ll do a separate post on that one day because it’s so cool. Now off to the pub for Friday lunch.